Your search for the best
memorable phone number stops here

✓ Studies show that 68% of people will remember a phone number expressed as a word, versus only 16% who remember a numeric number. Make it EASY for your potential clients to remember and call your number!

29% of all radio advertisements use toll-free numbers as response mechanisms,and 72% use a vanity number (using words instead of numbers).

24% of all television commercials use toll-free numbers as response mechanisms, and 57% use a vanity number.

58% of all magazine advertisements use toll-free numbers as response mechanisms. 82% of those use “1-800” numbers.

We Know Marketing

TFN Direct was founded by marketers like you. This gives you a major advantage when choosing your 800, toll free, vanity or local phone number for your objectives.

Want to boost your branding? Increase your Return on Investment? Both? We will find the right phone number for you based on your needs, with a personalized approach and consultation of the best phone number for you!

Tell Me More

TFN Direct has millions of toll free numbers to choose from across dozens of industries

Call Tracking Plans Start at $49 a month.